
  • Assisting with corporate and individual tax planning at domestic and international levels
  • Providing legal assistance on all aspects of taxation, with emphasis on royalties, transfer pricing, foreign tax credits, cost-sharing, thin capitalization, and import and export transactions (services and/or goods)
  • Consulting on mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and corporate reorganizations
  • Structuring transactions to legally justify efficiencies connected to VAT (ICMS), Excise Tax (IPI), Taxes on Gross Revenues (PIS/COFINS), and Tax on Services (ISS)
  • Performing strategic analysis for outbound/inbound investments
  • Representing clients in courts to discuss all aspects of taxation, including overpayments and illegal claims by tax authorities
  • Succeeding in cancelling notices of deficiency in litigation before administrative and judicial courts and administrative proceedings
  • Preparing applications to obtain benefits, special tax arrangements, and rulings (consulta fiscal)
  • Advising on tax debts subject to installment programs
  • Formulating customs arrangements, tax classification, and trade facilitation

Responsible Team